Vietnam Rural Development Science Association (PHANO)

Đăng bởi Huy Hoàng

04/09/2024 18:24


Vietnam Science for Rural Development (PHANO) is the professional organization at the national level, including scientists, individuals who are willing to support the poor farmers and rural communities to build and improve their ability to implement the new rural development programs on a sustainable development.

The Central Executive Committee of the Vietnam Science for Rural Development includes 35 people.

PHANO operates at the national level, PHANO has two offices in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City to develop activities in the whole country.

PHANO releases Vietnam Journal of Science for Rural Development to aim at reviewing issues related to agricultural and rural policy.


PHANO supports local farmers through providing consultation to develop programs to support rural development, doing business, institutional development, enhancing capacity for training to improve farmers' skills.

PHANO always makes effort to cooperate, link and exchange professional expertise with individuals and organizations in the country and abroad to help and enhance capacity building for farmers and local communities.

PHANO performs research contracts, policy reviews for agriculture and rural development; Cooperate with international and national research and development institutions in conducting researches, technology development and capacity building.

PHANO organizes forums and workshops to exchange, provides information on policy issues of agriculture and rural development to assist MARD in adjusting appropriate policies.


PHANO determines the science contents for rural development. Rural development is the scientific actions, needs to be synthesized by the sciences. Association will gather scientists having knowledge and experience in  rural development to build a scientific basis for rural development. There are three components of the rural development that PHANO mentions: agriculture, rural development and farmer researches.

Agriculture sector needs to develop new methodologies, food security and sustainable development to contribute to industrialization.

The rural development objective is the development of rural areas in all aspects, not just agriculture.

PHANO considers that the sustainable rural development must be decided by community. These organizations constitute social capital and are an important element in parallel with human capital. We must study and replicate these capital sources. PHANO support for farmers in solving their problems

The PHANO principles for the rural development are included:

- Strengthen community organizations.

- Enhance capacity for farmers.

- Stimulate innovations through flexible measures such as:  Development of strategies and approaches for sustainable development of rural within the country.

Farmers need to be centered in Community-based rural developmment in various forms to adapt to different conditions and development levels of the localities. Farmer groups must be organized to provide input and output supply services for agricultural production. Farmer organizations are a bridge between the producers and other actors in the economic, institutional and political environment.

The PHANO mission to support for farmer organizations to achieve their ability following functions:

1. Act as the representatives and protect the rights of producers as well as professional associations;

2. Provide technical and economical services for members;

IV. ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE, HUMAN RESOURCE anh-chup-man-hinh-2024-09-15-luc-052848-1726352959.png


4.1. Organization chart



1. Publishment of Vietnam Rural Development Science Journal

Vietnam Journal of Science for Rural Development has had the ISSN index and registered in the State Council on Academic Titles, published 2 months/1 numero with the number of 4500 magazines, released nationwide.

Vietnam Journal of Science for Rural Development is the communication partner of New Rural Development central office under Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD).

2. Implemented researches, consultation projects

PHANO has been implemented dosal projects to support for rural development funded by Government including: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Ministry of Science and Technology and International Orgaizations such as Worldbank, Asian Development Bank, Global Crop Bioversity Trust, Bioversity International, CIAT,…..

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